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معلم SCIENCE خبرة 23 سنة - اعمل بمدرسة حسن ابو بكر الرسمية لغات و متابع لمدرسة STEM العبور - اعمل بالعديد من المنصات التعليمية و جريدة الوفد التعليمية
عن المجموعة
مدة المجموعة
بدأ منذ November 18!
التقدم في المنهج
5/6 فصل مكتمل
الفصل الاولAdaptation and Survival
الفصل الثانيlight and sound
الفصل الثالثCommunication and Information Transfer
الفصل الرابعStarting and Stopping
الفصل الخامسEnergy and Motion
الفصل السادسEnergy and Collisions
Activity 1 :the faster and heavier objects have more energy than slower and lighter ones.
Activity 2 :The kinetic energy can transfer from one object to another.
Activity 3 : learn more about the importance of seatbelts and airbags during accidents.
Activity 4 : the meaning of collision and examples of collision between objects.
Activity 5 : the relation between speed, distance and time
Activity 6 : the effect of speed on collision between objects.
Activity 7 : the relation between the speed and kinetic energy of an object that moves on a ramp and the angle of inclination.
Activity 8 : simple experiment to find out the relation between force, speed and kinetic energy of a moving object.
Activity 9 : the effect of mass on collision between objects.
Activity 10: a simple experiment to find out that the mass of a moving obiect affects its speed and its kinetic energy.
Activity 11 : how kinetic energy transfers between objects.
Activity 12: answering a question about one of the main points of this concept
Activity 13 :Optional digital activity.
Activity 14: review the main points in this concept.
مجموعة لمناقشة النقاط الهامة فى منهج SCIENCE الصف الخامس لمساعدة الطلاب على فهم المادة و التميز فيه