productعلوم لغات
خامس ابتدائي

👑Final review in science G5

By محمود احمد حافظ

About Teacher

قمت بتعليم 4002 طالب على نون حتى الآن، وانا أتطلع لتعليمك أنت أيضا معلم SCIENCE خبرة 23 سنة - اعمل بمدرسة حسن ابو بكر الرسمية لغات و متابع لمدرسة STEM العبور - اعمل بالعديد من المنصات التعليمية و جريدة الوفد التعليمية

About Group

Group Duration

Started from October 10!

Curriculum Progress

5/6 chapters complete
الفصل الاولplant needs
الفصل الثانيenergy flow in the ecosystem
الفصل الثالثchanges in the food webs
الفصل الرابعmatter in the world around us
الفصل الخامسdescribing and measuring matter
الفصل السادسcomparing changes in matter
Activity 1 : what happens to the mass of a matter when it is heated, cooled or mixed with other substances.
Activity 2: the meaning of melting matter.
Activity 3 : how to differentiate between the states of matter.
Activity 4: how the motion of the particles of a matter is related to the thermal energy of this matter.
Activity 5 : how gaining or releasing energy affects on the states of matter,
Activity 6 : the temperature of the matter affects on the state of the matter
Activity 7 : how changing of states of matter happens.
Activity 8 : think about the meaning of the mixtures and some examples of mixtures.
Activity 9: the difference between mixture and compound.
Activity 10 : the masses of substances do not change after mixing with other substances even if there are changes in their properiies.
Activity 11 : think about the properties of mixtures.
Activity 12 : think about the meaning of the physical changes and some examples of the physical changes.
Activity 13 :Discuss with your child the meaning of the chemical changes and some examples of the chemical changes.
Activity 14 : Explain to your child how chemical changes affect the substances producing
new substances with new properties.
Activity 15 : we can differentiate between chemical and physical changes using some evidences.
Activity 16: think like a scientist by answering a question about one of the main points of this concept
Activity 17 : how important the desalination is and how it helps people to survive.
Activity 18 : review the main points in this concept.
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مجموعة مميزة فى مادة العلوم للصف الخامس الابتدائى لغات و المواعيد الاثنين و الثلاثاء و الخميس الساعة التاسعة مساءا SOON YOU WILL SEE HOW CLEVER YOU WILL BE

>تغطية شاملة لأصعب الأقسام
>حصص أسئلة وأجوبة مع المعلم
>اسئلة تدريبية أكثر
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