
Early Preparation Sessions (Exam 2023) 🧼

By Safa Imran

About Teacher

Safa Imran

Teaching 8009+ students

I taught 13070 students on Noon so far, and I look forward to teaching you. I am currently in the final year of my bachelor's of mathematics from Virtual University of Pakistan. I had been giving mathematics and science tuitions to both national and international students. Mathematics energizes me and teaching is my passion.

About Group

Group Duration

Started from June 27!

Curriculum Progress

3/4 chapters complete
Chapter 1Real & Complex Numbers
Chapter 3Algebraic Expressions & Algebraic Formulas
Chapter 2Logarithms
Chapter 4Remaining Chapter in Noon plus
Join "Noon plus" Group To Study Complete Syllabus

Complex mathematical concepts broken down easily in a fun way!

+ 8009