100 pupils in a school have heights as tabulated below
100 pupils in a school have heights as tabulated below
Height in cm 121-130 131-140 141-150 151-160 161-170 171-180
No. of pupils 12 16 30 20 14 8

Draw the ogive for the above data and from it determine the median (use graph paper).


We write the given data in cumulative frequency table (in continuous distribution):

Height No. of students Cumulative frequency c.f
120.5-130.5 12 12
130.5-140.5 16 28
140.5-150.5 30 58
150.5-160.5 20 78
160.5-170.5 14 92
170.5-180.5 8 100

Plot the points (130.5, 12), (140.5, 28), (150.5, 58), (160.5, 78), (170.5, 92) and (180.5, 100) on the graph.

Join the points with the free hand. We get an ogive as shown:

Here n = 100

Median = (n/2)th term

= 100/2

= 50th term

Mark point A(50) on Y axis. Draw a line parallel to X axis from A.

Let it meet the curve at P. Draw a straight line from P to X axis which meets at Q.

Q = 147.5

Hence median is 147.5.