(a) Elements Q and S react together to form an ionic compound. Under normal conditions, which physical state will the compound QS exist in?
(a) Elements Q and S react together to form an ionic compound. Under normal conditions, which physical state will the compound QS exist in?

(b) Can Q and S both be metals? Justify your answer.

(c) The property which is characteristic of an electrovalent compound is that

A. it is easily vaporised

B. it has a high melting point

C. it is a weak electrolyte

D. it often exists as a liquid

(d) When a metal atom becomes an ion,

A. it loses electrons and is oxidised

B. it gains electrons and is reduced

C. it gains electrons and is oxidised

D. it loses electrons and is reduced


(a) Under the normal conditions, compound QS will be in the solid state.

(b) A metal and a non-metal is required for the formation of an ionic compound. So, both the elements Q and S are not metals.

(c) Correct Answer: B. It has a high melting point.

Explanation: The characteristic of an electrovalent compound is that it has high melting point.

(d) Correct Answer: A. It loses electrons and is oxidized

Explanation: When a metal atom becomes an ion, It loses electrons and is oxidized.