Are the following sets equal? A={x: x is a letter in the word reap}, B={x: x is a letter in the word paper}, C={x: x is a letter in the word rope}.
Are the following sets equal? A={x: x is a letter in the word reap}, B={x: x is a letter in the word paper}, C={x: x is a letter in the word rope}.

(i) A – x is the letters in the word reap

A ={R, E, A, P} = {A, E, P, R}

(ii) B – x is the letters in the word paper

B = {P, A, E, R} = {A, E, P, R}

(iii) C – x is the letters in the word rope

C = {R, O, P, E} = {E, O, P, R}

Every element of set A is present in set B

Set C is not equal to Set A and B.