Q 28. At which stage of HIV infection does one usually show symptoms of AIDS? Option A When the infected retro virus enters the host cells. Option B When HIV damages large number of helper T – lymphocytes. Option C When the viral DNA is produced by reverse transcriptase. Option D Within 15 days of sexual contact with an infected person.
Q 28. At which stage of HIV infection does one usually show symptoms of AIDS? Option A When the infected retro virus enters the host cells. Option B When HIV damages large number of helper T – lymphocytes. Option C When the viral DNA is produced by reverse transcriptase. Option D Within 15 days of sexual contact with an infected person.

Correct Option: B

Solution: The helper T-lymphocytes are targeted by the HIV in the blood, causing a decrease in the number of helper T-lymphocytes in the body of the infected person. The infected person starts sowing different infections, and hence shows the symptoms of AIDS.