Can you list 10 recombinant proteins which are used in medical practice? Find out where they are used as therapeutics (use the internet).
Can you list 10 recombinant proteins which are used in medical practice? Find out where they are used as therapeutics (use the internet).

●Recombinant proteins used in medical practice which  are obtained from the recombinant DNA technique . 

●In this technology a particular gene is transferred from one organism to another  organism with the help of vectors and restriction enzymes which act as   molecular tools.

● 10 recombinant proteins are –

1 .Interferon-α      – In treatment of chronic hepatitis C

2.Insulin- In the treatment of type I diabetes mellitus

3.Interferon-β –    Use to treat herpes and viral enteritis

4.Interferon B –    In the treatment of Multiple Sclerosis

5.Antithrombin III- Blood-clot prevention

6.Human recombinant growth hormone –     To promote growth in an individual

7.Coagulation factor VIII-     In the treatment of haemophilia A

8.Coagulation factor IX –    In the treatment of haemophilia B

9.DNAse I –    In the treatment of cystic fibrosis

10.Tissue plasminogen activator-     In the treatment of acute myocardial infections .