Transport in Plants

Comment on the experimental setup. What does the setup demonstrate?
b. What will happen to the level of water if a blower is placed close to setup?

c. Will the mercury level fluctuate (go up/down) if phenylmercuric acetate is sprayed on leaves?

Solution: a) The setup depicts the transpiration pull, which is the force that occurs when the water pulls upwards from the root to the leaves. b) If a blower is installed near the setup, it will...

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Water molecule is very polar. Polar end of molecule attracts opposite charges on another water molecule (acts like a magnet). How will you explain this property of water with reference to the upward movement of water? Comment on the upward movement of water given the intermolecular hydrogen bonding in water.

Solution: The cohesion of the water molecules is the method through which water molecules remain linked to one another through hydrogen bonding. Water moves upward through xylem vessels, creating a...

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Minerals are present in the soil in sufficient amounts. Do plants need to adjust the types of solutes that reach the xylem? Which molecules help to adjust this? How do plants regulate the type and quantity of solutes that reach xylem?

Solution: Yes, the type and quantity of solutes that reach the xylem must be adjusted by plants. End dermal cell transport proteins aid in the maintenance and adjustment of solute transportation....

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Observe the diagram and answer the following;
a. Are these types of guard cells found in monocots or dicots?

b. Which of these shows a higher water content (i) or (ii)?

c. Which element plays an important role in the opening and closing of stomata?

Solution: a) Because dicots have a bean-shaped morphology, these guard cells are seen in dicots. It's commonly dumble-shaped for monocots. b) Figure i) depicts a higher water content. c) Potassium...

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When a freshly collected Spirogyra filament is kept in a 10% potassium nitrate solution, it is observed that the protoplasm shrinks in size:
a. What is this phenomenon called?

b. What will happen if the filament is replaced in distilled water?

Solution: a) Exosmosis is the name for this occurrence.  b) If the filament is put in distilled water, the protoplasm becomes turgid again when water flows in and the shrunken protoplasm...

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Keep some freshly cut flowers in a solution of food colour. Wait for some time for the dye to rise in the flower, when the stem of the flower is held up in light, coloured strands can be seen inside. Can this experiment demonstrate which tissue is conducting water up the stem?

Solution: This experiment can show which tissue is responsible for transporting water up the stem. The presence of colored strands indicates that the food color has been carried upwards through the...

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Water is indispensable for life. What properties of water make it useful for all biological processes on the earth?
a) Water is a polar solvent due to which it is regarded as the ‘universal solvent’.
b) Water has a high specific heat capacity.

c) Water has low viscosity and high surface tension.

d) The density of water decreases below 4◦C.

e) Capillarity of water

Solution: a) All living creatures' essential substances are solutes that are dissolved in water and transferred from one location to another. b) Specific heat is defined as the amount of energy...

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Correct the statements
a. Cells shrink in hypotonic solutions and swell in hypertonic solutions.

b. Imbibition is a special type of diffusion when water is absorbed by living cells.

c. Most of the water flow in the roots occurs via the symplast.

Solution: a) Hypertonic solutions cause cells to shrink, while hypotonic solutions cause them to swell. b) Imbibition is a type of diffusion in which water is absorbed by living or dead cells. c)...

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Water moves up against gravity and even for a tree of 20m height, the tip receives water within two hours. The most important physiological phenomenon which is responsible for the upward movement of water is _______________________.

Solution: Transpiration pull Even for a 20-meter-tall tree, water travels up against gravity. Water is delivered to the tip within two hours. Transpiration pull is the most essential physiological...

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Based on the figure given below which of the following statements is not correct?
a. Movement of solvent molecules will take place from chamber A to B.

b. Movement of solute will take place from A to B.

c. Presence of a semipermeable is a pre-requisite for this process to occur.

d. The direction and rate of osmosis depend on both the pressure gradient and concentration gradient.

Solution: Option (b) is the answer. Because the water in chamber A contains fewer solute particles, the water potential in chamber A is higher, allowing the water molecules in chamber A to move more...

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Mycorrhiza is a symbiotic association of a fungus with root system which helps in
A. Absorption of water

B. Mineral nutrition

C. Translocation

D. Gaseous exchange


a. Only A

b. Only B

c. both A and B

d. both B and C

Solution: Option (c) is the answer. Fungal mycelia are found in the roots of several higher plants. Mycorrhiza is the name for such a relationship. It reflects a mutualistic (symbiotic) relationship...

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The process of guttation takes place
a. when the root pressure is high and the rate of transpiration is low.

b. when the root pressure is low and the rate of transpiration is high

c. when the root pressure equals the rate of transpiration

d. when the root pressure, as well as rate of transpiration, are high.

Solution: Option (a) is the answer. Guttation occurs in the absence of transpiration, particularly in low-light situations (early morning). While guttation causes water droplets to accumulate on the...

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Differentiate between the following:
(a) Diffusion and Osmosis

(b) Transpiration and Evaporation

(c) Osmotic Pressure and Osmotic Potential

(d) Imbibition and Diffusion

(e) Apoplast and Symplast pathways of movement of water in plants

(f) Guttation and Transpiration

Solution: The diffusion between all the following sets are- a) Diffusion and Osmosis DiffusionOsmosisIt is a form of passive transport in which a chemical moves from an area of higher concentration...

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