Heights and Distances

11. A ladder rests against a tree on one side of a street. The foot of the ladder makes an angle of {{50}^{\circ }} with the ground. When the ladder is turned over to rest against another tree on the other side of the street it makes an angle of {{40}^{\circ }} with the ground. If the length of the ladder is


, find the width of the street.

As per given information in the question, Let us assume two trees are denoted by PQ and RS and O be a point on the street PR, which is the distance between the two trees. Then, We Assume that OS and...

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10. A 10m high pole is kept vertically by a steel wire. The wire is inclined at an angle of {{40}^{\circ }} with the horizontal ground. If the wire runs from the top of the pole to the point on the ground where its other end is fixed, find the length of the wire.

According to the given question, Let us assume that the wire which runs from the top of the pole to the point on the ground where its other end is fixed is PR and pole is represented by PQ. In ΔPQR,...

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8. The topmost branch of a tree is tied with a string attached to a pole in the ground. The length of this string is 200m and it makes an angle of {{45}^{\circ }}with the ground. Find the distance of the pole to which the string is tied from the base of the tree.

According to the question, Let us assume that the topmost branch of the tree is Q and the pole on the ground to which the topmost branch is tied is R In ΔPQR, $\cos {{45}^{\circ }}=\frac{PR}{PQ}$...

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