Study of Compounds – Hydrogen Chloride

State your observation for the following reactions. 1.Dilute HCl is added to sodium carbonate crystals. 2.Copper sulphide is treated with dilute hydrochloric acid. 3.A few drops of dil. HCl is added to silver nitrate solution, followed by addition of NH4OH solution.

Solution:  Sodium chloride is created when sodium carbonate crystals are added to liquid HCl, along with water and carbon dioxide gas. A brisk effervescence develops. The neutralisation reaction is...

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Write the balanced equations for the following reactions: (i)Iron + dilute hydrochloric acid (ii)Ammonia + dilute hydrochloric acid (iii)Iron(II) sulphide +dilute hydrochloric acid (iv)Magnesium sulphite + dilute hydrochloric acid (v)Sodium hydrogen carbonate + dilute hydrochloric acid

Solution: Fe + 2HCl  → FeCl2 + H2 NH3 + HCl  →NH4Cl FeS  + 2HCl  →FeCl2 + H2S MgSO3  + 2HCl   → MgCl2 + H2O + SO2 NaHCO3 + HCl → NaCl + H2O + CO2

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Complete the following equation: (i)Silver nitrate solution + hydrochloric acid → (ii)Magnesium foil + hydrochloric acid → (iii)Caustic soda solution + hydrochloric acid → (iv)Zinc carbonate + hydrochloric acid → (v)Copper oxide + hydrochloric acid →

Solution: AgNO3 + HCl  → AgCl ↓+ HNO3 Mg + HCl  → MgCl2 + H2 ↑ NaOH + HCl  → NaCl + H2O ZnCO3 + 2HCl  → ZnCl2 + H2O + CO2 ↑ CuO + 2HCl  → CuCl2  + H2O

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