Complete the following:
Complete the following:

(a) When the nuclei of two reacting atoms are of _____ mass, then a bond so formed is called _____covalent bond. (Equal, unequal, polar, non -polar).

(b) In case of the non-polar covalent bond, the covalent bond is formed in the _____of atoms and shared electrons are distributed _____. (Corner, middle, equally, unequally).

(c) Ionic or electrovalent compounds do not conduct electricity in their …………… state. (Fused/solid)

(d) The ions in ______ compounds are held very strongly due to strong _______ forces. (electrovalent, covalent, electromagnetic, electrostatic)


(a) When the nuclei of two reacting atoms are of unequal mass, then a bond so formed is called a polar covalent bond.

(b) In the case of a non-polar covalent bond, the covalent bond is formed in the middle of atoms and shared electrons are distributed equally.

(c) Ionic or electrovalent compounds do not conduct electricity in their solid-state.

(d) The ions in electrovalent compounds are held very strongly due to strong electrostatic forces.