Differentiate between:
Differentiate between:

(a) Thalamus and Hypothalamus

(b) Cerebrum and Cerebellum

(d) Thalamus and Hypothalamus

Contains grey matterContains both white and grey matter
Thalamus do not secrete hormonesHypothalamus secretes many hormones for the activity of pituitary gland
Locattion – Above the midbrainLocation – Base of the thalamus
Sensations centres – cold, pain, heatSensations centres – regulates body temperature, homeostasis and blood pressure

(e) Cerebrum and cerebellum

Covers the BrainCerebellum is the second largest part of the brain
Location – ForebrainLocation – Hindbrain
Division – 2 cerebral hemispheresDivision – central vermis, two lateral cerebral hemispheres
Centre – intelligence, memoryCentre – posture, body equilibrium