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Angular Momentum and its Formula

Angular Momentum and its Formula
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Have you ever heard of angular momentum and wondered what it is? Or do you need to brush up on the formula for calculating it? 

Angular momentum is a concept within physics that explains how an object’s speed and mass determine its tendency to rotate or spin. 

It’s commonly used in fields such as astronomy, aeronautics, mechanics, and robotics. 

In this blog post, we will take a look at angular momentum and its formula. 

We will explore how the formula can be applied to different scenarios and what implications this knowledge may have in engineering and other fields. 

Read on to learn more about Angular Momentum, its SI unit, and its formula!

What is Angular Momentum?

Angular momentum is a vector quantity that represents the rotational inertia of an object and its capacity to resist changes in angular velocity. 

It is an important concept in physics, especially in the study of rotating systems. The dimension of angular momentum is expressed as.

M= M1 * L2 * T-1

SI unit of Angular Momentum

The SI unit of angular momentum is the kilogram meter squared per second (kg•m^2/s). This unit is often abbreviated as “kg m2/s” or “k-m2/s”. 

Angular Momentum Formula

The angular momentum of a rotating body is the product of its moment of inertia and its angular velocity. The angular momentum formula L = Iω expresses this relationship.

L = mvr

where L is the angular momentum, m is the mass, v is the velocity and r is the radius

An object that is not rotating has zero angular momentum. An object that is rotating in a circle at a constant speed has constant angular momentum. 

The direction of an object’s angular momentum can be changed by applying torque to it.

Examples of Angular Momentum in Real Life

There are many examples of angular momentum in real life. Some of these examples include:

  1. A spinning wheel
  2. A rotating door
  3. A propeller
  4. A Ferris wheel
  5. An airplane wing
  6. A windmill


To sum up, angular momentum is an important concept in physics that describes the rotation of a system. 

It is calculated using the equation L = Iω, where L stands for angular momentum, I for the moment of inertia, and ω for angular velocity. 

We hope this article has helped you understand what angular momentum is and how to calculate it. 

With these skills at your disposal, you now have all the tools necessary to tackle any problem related to this concept!

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