Find the sum of all integers between 101 and 500, which are divisible by 9.
Find the sum of all integers between 101 and 500, which are divisible by 9.

To Find: Sum of all integers between 101 and 500 divisible by 9
The integers between 101 and 500 divisible by 9 are 108, 117, 126,…, 495(Add 9 to
108 to get 117, 9 to 117 to get 126 and so on).
Let a be the first term and d be the common difference and n be the number of terms of
the AP
Here a = 108, d = 9, l = 495
⇒ a + (n – 1)d = 495
⇒ 108 + 9(n – 1) = 495
⇒ 12 + (n – 1) = 55
⇒ n = 55 – 11 = 44



⇒ S = 22[216 + 387] = 22[603] = 13266
Sum of all integers divisible by 9 between 100 and 500 is 13266.