Give a comparative account of the classes of Kingdom Fungi under the following:
(i) mode of nutrition (ii) mode of reproduction
Give a comparative account of the classes of Kingdom Fungi under the following:
(i) mode of nutrition (ii) mode of reproduction

Solution: Fungi are eukaryotic heterotrophic organisms. The kingdom fungus includes black dots on stale bread, yeast (which is used to make bread and beer), white spots on mustard leaves, and mushrooms. Fungi can only multiply and flourish in moist, warm environments. Furthermore, there are approximately 2,000 different species of fungi identified.

Mode of nutritionThey are saprophytes or a parasitesThey are Decomposers, Saprophytic or parasitic, or coprophilousThey are SaprophyticThey are Decomposers, Saprophytic or parasitic
Mode of reproductionTheir mode of reproduction is Asexual reproduction by zoospore (motile) Aplanospore (non-motile) Sexual reproduction – zygote can be similar or dissimilar in morphologyThrough asexual spores called conidia and sexual spores are known as ascosporesBy vegetation reproduction through budding. Fusion of two somatic cells for the formation of basidiospores is PlasmogamyThrough asexual spores called conidia.