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What are the different methods of contraception?


The following are the various contraceptive methods:

(a) Natural approach: The goal of this procedure is to keep sperm and ovum from colliding. This can be accomplished by avoiding mating between the tenth and seventeenth days of the menstrual cycle. Because ovulation is predicted during this time, there is a significant possibility of conception.
(b) The use of a barrier to prevent the meeting of sperm and ovum is used in this procedure. Both males and girls have access to these barriers. Condoms (male and female), diaphragms (female), cervical cap (female), and contraceptive sponge (female).

(c) Oral contraceptives are pills that are taken orally. These pills contain a little amount of hormones that prevent fertilization by blocking the eggs.
(d) Surgical procedure and implants: Contraceptive devices such as copper-T or a loop can be utilized to prevent sperm and ovum from meeting in this manner. The fallopian tubes in women are blocked to halt the passage of eggs, while the vas deference in men is stopped to stop the flow of sperms.