Six coins were tossed 1000 times, and at each toss the number of heads were counted and the results were recorded as under
Six coins were tossed 1000 times, and at each toss the number of heads were counted and the results were recorded as under
No. of heads 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
No. of tosses 20 25 160 283 338 140 34

Calculate the mean for this distribution.


No. of heads (x) No. of tosses (f) fx
6 20 6×20 = 120
5 25 5×25 = 125
4 160 4×160 = 640
3 283 3×283 = 849
2 338 2×338 = 676
1 140 1×140 =140
0 34 0×34 = 0
Total Ʃf = 1000 Ʃfx = 2550

Mean = Ʃfx/Ʃf

= 2550/1000

= 2.55

Hence the mean is 2.55.