Solve the following quadratic equations: (iii) (2+i) x^{2}-(5-i) x+2(1-i)=0 (iv) x^{2}-(2+i) x-(1-7 i)=0
Solve the following quadratic equations: (iii) (2+i) x^{2}-(5-i) x+2(1-i)=0 (iv) x^{2}-(2+i) x-(1-7 i)=0

(iii)  (2 + i)x2 – (5- i)x + 2 (1 – i) = 0

applying discriminant rule,

x = (-b ±√(b2 – 4ac))/2a

a = (2+i), b = -(5-i), c = 2(1-i)

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since, i2 = –1

substituting –1 = i2

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x = (1 – i) or 4/5 – 2i/5

∴ The roots of the given equation are (1 – i), 4/5 – 2i/5


(iv) x2 – (2 + i)x – (1 – 7i) = 0

applying discriminant rule,

x = (-b ±√(b2 – 4ac))/2a

a = 1, b = -(2+i), c = -(1-7i)

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=> 7 – 24i = 16 – 9 – 24i

7 – 24i = 16 + 9(–1) – 24i

= 16 + 9i2 – 24i [∵ i2 = –1]

= 42 + (3i)2 – 2(4) (3i)

= (4 – 3i)2 [∵ (a – b)2 = a2 – b2 + 2ab]

7 – 24i = (4 – 3i)2

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x = 3 – i or -1 + 2i

∴ The roots of the given equation are (-1 + 2i), (3 – i)