The effective length of a magnet is 31.4 \mathrm{~cm} and its pole strength is 0.8 \mathrm{Am}. The magnetic moment, if it is bent in the form of a semicircle is \mathrm{Am}^{2}
A) \quad 1.2
C) 0.16
D) 0.12
The effective length of a magnet is 31.4 \mathrm{~cm} and its pole strength is 0.8 \mathrm{Am}. The magnetic moment, if it is bent in the form of a semicircle is \mathrm{Am}^{2}
A) \quad 1.2
C) 0.16
D) 0.12

Correct option is C 0.16
The effective length of magnet =31.4 \mathrm{~cm}
Pole strength \mathrm{m}=0.8 \mathrm{Am}
Length of semi-circle =\pi \frac{\mathrm{D}}{2}=1
where, \mathrm{D}= diameter of circle
\begin{array}{l} \Rightarrow \mathrm{D}=\frac{21}{\mathrm{~m}} \\ =\frac{2 \times 314 \times 10^{-2}}{3.14} \\ \mathrm{D}=20 \times 10^{-2} \mathrm{~m} \end{array}
Now, the magnetic moment
\begin{array}{l} =\mathrm{ml}=\mathrm{mD} \\ =0.8 \times 20 \times 10^{-2} \\ =16.0 \times 10^{-2}=0.16 \mathrm{Am}^{2} \end{array}