The following distribution represents the height of 160 students of a school.
The following distribution represents the height of 160 students of a school.
Height 140-145 145-150 150-155 155-160 160-165 165-170 170-175 175-180
No. of students 12 20 30 38 24 16 12 8

Draw an ogive for the given distribution taking 2 cm = 5 cm of height on one axis and 2 cm = 20 students on the other axis.

Using the graph, determine :

 (i)The median height. 

(ii)The inter quartile range. 

(iii) The number of students whose height is above 172 cm.


We write the given data in cumulative frequency table.

Height No. of students Cumulative frequency c.f
140-145 12 12
145-150 20 32
150-155 30 62
155-160 38 100
160-165 24 124
165-170 16 140
170-175 12 152
175-180 8 160

Plot the points (145, 12), (150, 32), (155, 62), (160, 100), (165, 124), (170, 140), (175, 152), and (180, 160) on the graph.

Join the points with the free hand. We get an ogive as shown:

(i)Here n = 160

Median = (n/2)th term

= 160/2

= 80th term

Mark point A(80) on Y axis. Draw a line parallel to X axis from A.

Let it meet the curve at B. Draw a straight line from B to X axis which meets at C.

C = 157.5

Hence median is 157.5.

(ii) Lower quartile , Q1 = (n/4)th term

= 160/4

= 40th term

Proceeding in the same way mentioned in (i),

we get lower quartile = 152 [Point R]

Upper quartile, Q3 = 3n/4

= 3×160/4

= 3×40

= 120th term

Proceeding in the same way mentioned in (i),

we get upper quartile = 164 [Point Z]

Interquartile range = Q3-Q1

= 164-152

= 12

(iii)Mark a point O(172 ) on X axis. Draw a line parallel to Y axis from O.

Let it meet the curve at N. Draw a straight line from N to Y axis which meets at M.

M = 144

Hence number of students whose height is more than 172 cm is 160-144 = 16