What special anatomical features are displayed by leaves of C4 plants? How do they provide an advantage over the structure of C3 plants?
What special anatomical features are displayed by leaves of C4 plants? How do they provide an advantage over the structure of C3 plants?


A coating of giant cells surrounds the vascular bundles in leaves. Chloroplast, in particular, impregnates multiple layers of cells surrounding the bundle cell. Gases cannot pass through these strong cell walls. There is no intercellular gap in the sheath. The bundle sheath securely fastens C4 plants over C4 plants. It aids in the rise of carbon dioxide levels in the leaves. Rubisco binds to Carbon dioxide and oxygen in a competitive manner, as we know. Photorespiration is absent in C4 plants. Because of the following factors, C4 plants outperform C3 plants.

They have a distinctive leaf morphology, can resist extreme temperatures, and respond to high light intensities.