When an ideal gas is compressed adiabatically, its temperature rises: the molecules on the average have more kinetic energy than before. The kinetic energy increases,
When an ideal gas is compressed adiabatically, its temperature rises: the molecules on the average have more kinetic energy than before. The kinetic energy increases,

a) because of collisions with moving parts of the wall only

b) because of collisions with the entire wall

c) because the molecules gets accelerated in their motion inside the volume

d) because of the redistribution of energy amongst the molecules


The correct option is a) because of collisions with moving parts of the wall only

Explanation: Because the heat created cannot be lost to the environment, when an ideal gas is compressed adiabatically, its temperature rises. Because of the collisions between molecules and moving portions of the wall, each molecule now has more KE than before (i.e., piston compressing the gas).