Which of the following reactions will yield phenol?
Which of the following reactions will yield phenol?

Option (A), (B) and (C) are correct

Diazonium salt is produced when aniline is treated with NaNO2 + HCl. The Diazonium salts are then hydrolyzed to Phenols by heating them with water. As a result, option (ii) is accurate.

Benzene is first sulphonated with Oleum to produce benzene sulphuric acid, which is then heated with molten NaOH to produce sodium phenoxide. The production of phenol is caused by the acidification of sodium phenoxide. As a result, option (iii) and (i) is the proper choice.

Option (iv) is incorrect since the synthesis of Phenol occurs when chlorobenzene is fused with NaOH at 623K and 300 atmosphere pressure, followed by acidification.