Q29) With reference to human beings, find out the mis-match pair. 1. Insemination – discharge of semen into the vagina of a female. 2. Implantation – setting of zygote in the endometrium uterus 3. Menopause – total arrest of menstrual cycle forever. 4. Menarche – beginning of menstrual cycle for the first time in life
Q29) With reference to human beings, find out the mis-match pair. 1. Insemination – discharge of semen into the vagina of a female. 2. Implantation – setting of zygote in the endometrium uterus 3. Menopause – total arrest of menstrual cycle forever. 4. Menarche – beginning of menstrual cycle for the first time in life

Correct option: 1

Explanation: Implantation is the attachment of the fertilized egg to the uterine lining. The zygote usually implants at the top of the uterus, near where it exits the fallopian tube.