
A2 Level - Recorded Sessions

بائے Qasim Shamim

استاد کے بارے میں

Qasim Shamim

پڑھانا 25341+ طلباء

I taught 58967 students on Noon so far, and I look forward to teaching you. I have 5 years of high school and undergraduate economics teaching experience. I have also worked as Career Counselor and researcher while studying at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor and is currently working as Teacher Trainer at Teach for Pakistan.

گروپ کے بارے میں

گروپ دورانیہ

سے شروع ہوا June 02!

نصاب کی پراگریس

2/6 ابواب مکمل یو گیے ہیں
Chapter 1Basic economic ideas and resource allocation
Chapter 2The price system and the micro economy
Chapter 3Government microeconomic intervention
Policies to achieve Efficient Resource Allocation
Labor Market
Chapter 4The macro economy
Chapter 5Government macroeconomic intervention
Chapter 6Yearly MCQs

Get ready to secure your A* grade with Noon's Recorded Lectures.

+ 25341