
👨‍🔬⚗️MDCAT - Chemistry - 2022-2023 Session

بائے Hafsa Shoaib

استاد کے بارے میں

Hafsa Shoaib

پڑھانا 5103+ طلباء

I taught 98655 students on Noon so far, and I look forward to teaching you. I am Lecturer at KIPS College and also online teacher.

گروپ کے بارے میں

گروپ دورانیہ

سے شروع ہوا December 26!

نصاب کی پراگریس

2/3 ابواب مکمل یو گیے ہیں
Chapter 13Chemistry of Hydrocarbons
Chapter 14Alkyl Halides
Chapter 4Fundamental principles of Organic Chemistry

Hey, if you want to learn the concepts of chemistry in a fun way and score great marks in your MDCAT then join me and start learning.

+ 5103