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Explain the formation of Embryo sac in plants.

Answer: The haploid megaspore nucleus divides, and an embryo sac is said to form. It has six haploid cells with no cell walls and two haploid nuclei. The embryo sac formation occurs in two stages: Stage 1: Megasporogenesis occurs in the first stage, when a single diploid mother cell undergoes meiosis, resulting in the formation of a haploid megaspore tetrad.

Three of these disintegrate, while one survives and develops into the embryo sac.

Stage 2: Megagametogenesis is the second stage, in which the embryo sac is generated by mitosis of the functioning haploid megaspore, resulting in an 8-nucleate, 7-celled gametophyte.

Out of all eight nuclei, the polar nuclei travel to the centre to join and form a single diploid cell at that site (centre).

The triploid endosperm is formed when this single diploid cell unites with the sperm.