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 What are the advantages of genetically modified plants ?

Answer:  Increased crop yields, lower food and drug production costs, reduced pesticide use, improved nutrient composition and food quality, pest and disease resistance, greater food security, and medical benefits to the world’s growing population are just a few of the advantages of genetic engineering in agriculture.

GMO crops have the advantage of containing more nutrients, requiring fewer pesticides to grow, and being generally cheaper than non-GMO equivalents.

GMO crops are intended to be healthier and less expensive to manufacture, yet genetic alteration has drawbacks.

  1. It boosts farmer income by increasing productivity. Indian farmers are still using traditional sowing and cultivating methods, which necessitate scientific advances in order to increase their output. As a result, it is one of the steps taken to increase farm production.
  2. It minimises the usage of pesticides and insecticides in agriculture, which could be beneficial to the food supply.
  3. It has drastically enhanced yields, allowing it to feed a rapidly growing population.