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What is autogamy ? Explain this process in oxalis.

Answer: 1. Autogamy (Self-pollination): This type of pollination occurs when pollen from a flower’s anthers is transmitted to the stigma of the same bloom, such as wheat, rice, or pea. Cleistogamy I Cleistogamy (ii) Cleistogamy (iii) Cleistogamy (iv) Cleist Flowers never open in some plants, and the anthers dehisce inside closed flowers to ensure pollination. As a result, cleistogamous blooms are always autogamous because cross-pollination is impossible. These flowers, such as Oxalis, Viola, and others, produce reliable seed sets even in the absence of pollinators. Homogamy (ii) Both the anthers and the stigma mature at the same time in this approach, as seen in Mirabilis.