8. Describe modifications of stem with suitable examples
8. Describe modifications of stem with suitable examples


Modifications of stem:

Food storage:

Potato, ginger, and turmeric underground stems have been adapted to store food. They function as perennation organs, allowing them to survive in environments that are not conducive to growth.

Tendrils: Tendrils are spirally coiled thin stems that emerge from axillary buds. Plants such as gourds (cucumber, pumpkins, and watermelon) and grapevines use these stem tendrils to help them climb.


Auxiliary buds’ stems are transformed into woody, straight, and pointed thorns. Plants are protected by thorns against animals. Several dry-land plants change their stems into fleshy cylindrical structures or flattened structures. Ex: citrus plants. They possess chlorophyll and perform photosynthesis.

Other modifications:

Vegetative reproduction:

Some plants, such as grass and strawberry, stretch underground stems to new niches, and when older sections die, new plants emerge. A slender lateral branch emerges from the base of the main axis in plants like mint and jasmine, and after growing aerially for a while, arch downwards to touch the ground.