6. The role of ethylene and abscisic acid is both positive and negative. Justify the statement.
6. The role of ethylene and abscisic acid is both positive and negative. Justify the statement.

Positive Roles of Ethylene :

Negative Role of Ethylene :

Positive Role of Abscisic acid:

Negative Role of Abscisic acid:


(a) Positive Roles of Ethylene: Ripening of fruits

– It stimulates the creation of root meristems and the growth of lateral roots when present in low concentrations.

(b) Negative Role of Ethylene:

– Ethylene is responsible for nullifying geotropism.

(c) Positive Role of Abscisic acid:

– When a plant is stressed, the concentration of abscisic acid in its leaves rises, causing stomata to close, reducing water loss by transpiration.

(d) Negative Role of Abscisic acid:

– It inhibits the growth of a plant and in turn, induces dormancy of buds.