What are the different methods of contraception?
What are the different methods of contraception?

Methods of contraception-

A)Natural method:

● The main focus is to avoid the meeting of sperms and ovum. 

●Achieved by avoiding the mating from 10 to 17 day of the menstrual cycle.

● During this , there are high chances of fertilization so ovulation is expected.

B)Barrier method: 

●The meeting of sperms and ovum is avoided by using a barrier. 

● Barriers are available for males as well as for females.

●Condoms for both male and female, diaphragms for female, cervical cap and contraceptive sponge for females.

C)Oral contraceptives:

●  Pills are taken orally. These pills contain small portions of hormones that block the eggs so  fertilization does not  takes place.

D)Implants and surgical method: 

● Contraceptive devices like copper-T or a loop can be used to block the meeting of sperms and ovum. 

●In this method, the fallopian tubes are blocked in females to stop flow of eggs and vas deferens is blocked in men to stop the flow of sperms.