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9. The following table gives the literacy rate (in percentage) of 35 cities. Find the mean
literacy rate.

Literacy rate (in %)45-5555-6565-7575-8585-98
Number of cities3101183


Discover the midpoint of the given stretch utilizing the recipe.

Midpoint (xi) = (maximum cutoff + lower limit)/2

For this situation, the worth of mid-point (xi) is exceptionally huge, so let us expect the mean worth, A = 70 and class stretch is h = 10.

Thus, ui = (xi-A)/h = ui = (xi-70)/10

Substitute and discover the qualities as follows:

Class Interval      Frequency (fi)     (xi)         



45-55     3             50           -20         -2           -6

55-65     10           60           -10         -1           -10

65-75     11           70           0             0             0

75-85     8             80           10           1             8

85-95     3             90           20           2             6

Total fi = 35                                                     Sum fiui = – 2


= 70+(- 2/35)×10

= 69.42 In this manner, the mean education part = 69.42