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Give a test that can be used to differentiate between saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons.

The Bromine Water Testing is used to distinguish between unsaturated chemicals such as alkenes and alkynes and saturated chemicals. For this purpose, bromine is used in the form of water.

The solution of bromine in water is called bromine water. Bromine water is reddish brown in color due to the presence of bromine in it.

When bromine water is added to the unsaturated mixture, then bromine is added to the empty area and the reddish-brown colored bromine water is released.

So, if organic matter separates water columns of bromine, then it will be an unmixed hydrocarbon containing double bond or triple bond, but full hydrocarbon like alkanes does not decolorize the bromine water.

Bromine water tests were performed to distinguish between unsaturated chemical compounds and saturated chemical compounds. Bromine water is added to the unsaturated bromine solution.

Therefore, if there is dis-coloration the compound will be the unsaturated Hydrocarbon.