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Give the biochemical events occurring in the root nodule of a pulse plant. What is the end product? What is its fate?

Solution: In the presence of the enzyme nitrogenase, free nitrogen in the air is converted to Ammonia or other nitrogenous compounds in the nitrogen fixation process.

Ammonia is the end product of the metabolic reactions ().

Ammonia is integrated into amino acids as an amino group as a result of nitrogen fixation. The fate of ammonia is the protonation of the NH3 group to the NH4+ group at physiological pH.

1. Amination by Reduction: Glutamate is formed when alpha-ketoglutaric acid reacts with glutamate. Ammonia interacts with a-ketoglutaric acid to generate glutamate in this process.

2. Transamination: This reaction involves the transfer of an amino group ( ) from one amino acid to another, which is catalyzed by the transaminase enzyme.