Find the value of the missing variate for the following distribution whose mean is 10
Find the value of the missing variate for the following distribution whose mean is 10
Variate (xi) 5 7 9 11 _ 15 20
Frequency (fi) 4 4 4 7 3 2 1


Let the missing variate be x.

Variate (xi) Frequency (fi) fixi
5 4 20
7 4 28
9 4 36
11 7 77
x 3 3x
15 2 30
20 1 20
Total Ʃfi =25 Ʃfixi = 211+3x

Given mean = 10

Mean = Ʃfixi/Ʃfi

10= (211+3x)/25

10×25 = 211+3x

250 = 211+3x

250-211 = 3x

39 = 3x

x = 39/3 = 13

Hence the missing variate is 13.