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The number of polynomials having zeroes as –2 and 5 is

(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) more than 3

(D) more than 3


As per the inquiry,

The zeroes of the polynomials = – 2 and 5

We realize that the polynomial is of the structure,


Amount of the zeroes = – (coefficient of x) ÷ coefficient of x2 for example

Amount of the zeroes = – b/a


3 = – b/a

b = – 3 and a = 1

Result of the zeroes = consistent term ÷ coefficient of x2 for example

Result of zeroes = c/a


– 10 = c

Subbing the upsides of a, b and c in the polynomial


We get,


Consequently, we can reason that x can take any worth.

Thus, alternative (D) is the right reply.