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(a) Explain the term “rancidity”. What damage is caused by rancidity?
(b) What type of chemical reaction is responsible for causing rancidity?
(c) State and explain the various methods for preventing or retarding rancidity of food.

(a)Rancidity is the result of the slow oxidation of oil and fat found in food products, which produces a bad odour and taste. When fats and oils oxidise, the food turns rancid, which affects the smell and flavour.

(b) As it is exposed to air, it undergoes oxidation, which is a chemical reaction.

(c) Methods used for preventing or retarding rancidity of food are as follows:-

(i)  Keep cooked food refrigerated at low temperatures.

(ii) Store food in airtight containers.

(iii) Antioxidant supplementation, such as BHA (Butylated hydroxyanisole)

(iv) Food storage away from light