Clarify the construction of the center and inward ear with the assistance of a graph.
Clarify the construction of the center and inward ear with the assistance of a graph.


The center ear contains three ossicles which are masterminded in a chain design called the malleus, incus and stapes

The malleus is joined to the tympanic film and the stapes is appended to the oval window of the cochlea. An Eustachian tube associates the center ear depression with the pharynx and helps in adjusting the pressing factors on one or the other side of the eardrum.

The inward ear is likewise called maze which is liquid filled and has two sections, the hard and the membranous maze. Previous is the series of channels inside this membranous maze is available and encircled by a liquid called perilymph. The membranous maze is loaded up with a liquid called endolymph. The looped part of the maze is known as the cochlea. Endolymph is filled in scala media. At the foundation of the cochlea, the scala vestibule closes at the oval window, while the scala tympani end at the round window which opens to the center ear.