Identify the incorrect statement. (1) Sapwood is involved in conduction of water and minerals from root to leaf (2) Sapwood is the innermost secondary xylem and is lighter in colour (3) Due to deposition of tannins, resins, oils etc., heart wood is dark in colour (4) Heart wood does not conduct water but gives mechanical support
Identify the incorrect statement. (1) Sapwood is involved in conduction of water and minerals from root to leaf (2) Sapwood is the innermost secondary xylem and is lighter in colour (3) Due to deposition of tannins, resins, oils etc., heart wood is dark in colour (4) Heart wood does not conduct water but gives mechanical support

Correct option:(2)Sapwood is the innermost secondary xylem and is lighter in colour


  • Peripheral region of the secondary xylem is lighter in colour.
  • This is termed as sapwood.
  • In the trunk and older branches of large trees, only the outer secondary xylem which is sapwood serves in water conduction.
  • The inner part which is heartwood is composed of dead but structurally strong xylem.