The angle of elevation of the top of an unfinished tower at a point distant 120 m from its base is 450. How much higher must the tower be raised so that its angle of elevation at the same point may be 600?


Consider AB as the unfinished tower where AB = 120 m

Angle of elevation = 450

Take x be higher raised so that the angle of elevation becomes 600

BC = y

In right triangle ABC

tan θ = AB/CB

Substituting the values

tan 450 = AB/CB = 120/y

So we get

1 = 120/y

y = 120 m

In right triangle DBC

tan 600 = DB/CB

Substituting the values

√3 = (120 + x)/ 120

120√3 = 120 + x

x = 120√3 – 120

x = 120 (√3 – 1)

So we get

x = 120 (1.732 – 1)

x = 120 (0.732)

x = 87.84 m

Hence, the tower should be raised at 87.84 m.