Which of the following is not a step in Multiple Ovulation Embryo Transfer Technology (MOET)? (1) Cow is administered hormone having LH like activity for super ovulation (2) Cow yields about 6-8 eggs at a time (3) Cow is fertilized by artificial insemination (4) Fertilized eggs are transferred to surrogate mothers at 8-32 cell stage
Which of the following is not a step in Multiple Ovulation Embryo Transfer Technology (MOET)? (1) Cow is administered hormone having LH like activity for super ovulation (2) Cow yields about 6-8 eggs at a time (3) Cow is fertilized by artificial insemination (4) Fertilized eggs are transferred to surrogate mothers at 8-32 cell stage

Solution:(1)Cow is administered hormone having LH like activity for super ovulation

  • Multiple Ovulation Embryo Transfer Technology is used for herd improvement in short time.
  • Cows are administered hormones, with FSH-like activity for superovulation.
  • 8-32 celled embryos are transferred to surrogate mothers.
  • 6-8 eggs are produced per cycle.
  • Cows can be fertilised by artificial insemination.