Find the sums given below:
Find the sums given below:

(i) − 5 + (− 8) + (− 11) + ………… + (− 230)


Given to us that,

(−5) + (−8) + (−11) + ………… + (−230)

For the above given A.P.,

The first term, a = −5

The nth term, an= −230

Common difference, d = a2−a1 = (−8)−(−5)

⇒d = − 8+5 = −3

Let the nth term of this A.P. be -230, and using the nth term formula we arrive at,


−230 = − 5+(n−1)(−3)

−225 = (n−1)(−3)

(n−1) = 75

n = 76

And, Sum of n term,

Sn = n/2 (a + l)

= 76/2 [(-5) + (-230)]

= 38(-235)

= -8930