For a rigid diatomic molecule, universal gas constant R=nCp where ′Cp′ is the molar specific heat at constant pressure and ′n′ is a number. Hence n is equal to
For a rigid diatomic molecule, universal gas constant R=nCp where ′Cp′ is the molar specific heat at constant pressure and ′n′ is a number. Hence n is equal to
  1. 0.4
  2. 0.2857
  3. 0.2257
  4. 0.3557

Solution: The correct answer is B. 0.2857

Universal\text{ }gas\text{ }constant\text{ }is\text{ }given\text{ by:}


For\text{ }diatomic\text{ }molecule,\text{ }~Cp=\frac{7}{2}R

\therefore ~~R=n\times \frac{7}{2}R
