If a leap year is selected at random, what is the chance that it will contain 53 Tuesdays?
If a leap year is selected at random, what is the chance that it will contain 53 Tuesdays?


We know that, in a leap year there are total 366 days, 52 weeks and 2 days

Now, in 52 weeks there are total 52 Tuesdays

\therefore When a leap year contains 53 Tuesdays, the likelihood that the remaining two days will be Tuesdays is equal to the probability that the remaining two days will not be Tuesdays.

Thus, the remaining two days can be
(Monday and Tuesday), (Tuesday and Wednesday), (Wednesday and Thursday),

(Thursday and Friday), (Friday and Saturday), (Saturday and Sunday) and (Sunday and Monday)

\therefore Total Number of cases =7

Cases in which Tuesday can come =2

Hence, probability (leap year having 53 Tuesdays) =2 / 7