In each of the following figures, O is the centre of the circle. Find the values of a, b and c.
In each of the following figures, O is the centre of the circle. Find the values of a, b and c.


Selina Solutions Concise Class 10 Maths Chapter 17 ex. 17(A) - 5


Selina Solutions Concise Class 10 Maths Chapter 17 ex. 17(A) - 6


(i)In the following figure,

    \[b\text{ }=\text{ }{\scriptscriptstyle 1\!/\!{ }_2}\text{ }x\text{ }{{130}^{o}}\]

[Angle at the center is double the angle at the circumference subtend by the same chord]


    \[b\text{ }=\text{ }{{65}^{o}}\]


    \[a\text{ }+\text{ }b\text{ }=\text{ }{{180}^{o~}}\]

[Opposite angles of a cyclic quadrilateral are supplementary]

    \[a\text{ }=\text{ }{{180}^{o}}-\text{ }{{65}^{o}}~=\text{ }{{115}^{o}}\]

(ii) In the following figure,

    \[c\text{ }=\text{ }{\scriptscriptstyle 1\!/\!{ }_2}\text{ }x\text{ }Reflex\text{ }({{112}^{o}})\]

[Angle at the center is double the angle at the circumference subtend by the same chord]


    \[c\text{ }=\text{ }{\scriptscriptstyle 1\!/\!{ }_2}\text{ }x\text{ }({{360}^{o}}-\text{ }{{112}^{o}})\text{ }=\text{ }{{124}^{o}}\]