48. Mention one function for each of these hormones :
48. Mention one function for each of these hormones :

(a) Thyroxin

(b) Insulin

(c) Adrenaline

(d) Growth hormone

(e) Testosterone.

Solution –

(a) Thyroxin : it is important in the role of digestion , heart and muscle function , development of brain and maintenance of the bones .

(b) Insulin : it aids to control the blood glucose level by helping the liver and muscles and the fat cells to take up the glucose present in the blood .

(c) Adrenaline : the body is prepared for the emergency situation by the help of the adrenaline

(d) Growth hormone : it is considered with the regulation of the growth .

(e) Testosterone : it helps to develop the secondary sexual characters in the body . It also aids in spermatogenesis .