Two wires of equal lengths are bent in the form of two loops. One of the loops is square shaped whereas the other loop is circular. These are suspended in a uniform magnetic field and the same current is passed through them. Which loop will experience greater torque? Give reasons.
Two wires of equal lengths are bent in the form of two loops. One of the loops is square shaped whereas the other loop is circular. These are suspended in a uniform magnetic field and the same current is passed through them. Which loop will experience greater torque? Give reasons.

Ans: We know the expression for torque as,

    \[\begin{array}{l} \tau=\mathrm{NIAB} \\ \Rightarrow \tau \propto \mathrm{A} \end{array}\]

Since, we know that the area of circular loops is more than that of a square loop, torque which is directly proportional to area would experience greater torque than the square loop.
Therefore, torque experienced by a circular loop is greater.