Write the specific location and the functions of the following cells human males : (a) Leydig cells (b) Sertoli cells, and (c) Primary spermatocytes
Write the specific location and the functions of the following cells human males : (a) Leydig cells (b) Sertoli cells, and (c) Primary spermatocytes

Answer: Sertoli cells are a type of cell that can be found in Inside the seminiferous tubules, it’s lined. Function: Feed the germ cells/Sperms with food. Cells of Leydig Seminiferous tubules on the outside Interstitial space is the space between two things. Male hormones / Testicular hormones / Androgens are synthesised or secreted by this gland. Spermatocytes in their natural state: They conduct meiosis to create spermatids and are found in the inner lining of seminiferous tubules. After that, the spermatids are transformed into spermatozoa or sperms.